I have state-of-the-art equipment to perform home examinations such as :
A blood pressure monitor (very important for senior pet visits)
A portable ultrasound scanner useful for detecting abnormalities in abdominal organs (liver, kidneys, intestines, bladder, etc.), diagnosing pregnancy and taking urine samples directly from the bladder.
Devices for examining the back of the eye and the ear canal
I have state-of-the-art equipment to perform home examinations such as :
A blood pressure monitor (very important for senior pet visits)
A portable ultrasound scanner useful for detecting abnormalities in abdominal organs (liver, kidneys, intestines, bladder, etc.), diagnosing pregnancy and taking urine samples directly from the bladder.
Devices for examining the back of the eye and the ear canal
(results within hours)
(results within 2 to 10 days)
I have developed my skills through training with behaviorists via Educhateur for feline behavior and Conduite Accompagnée du Chien for canine behavior.
As of 2025, I'm starting a training program to create tailor-made balanced rations for my patients through the Arginine training organization, run by Dr. Charlotte Devaux, a recognized veterinary nutritionist (Nutriphysio and Nutripatho).
I also have a microscope to examine skin, urine and blood samples taken from my patients. A complete laboratory will enable me to carry out biochemical, hematological and endocrinological analyses to provide rapid results in a matter of minutes and guide the diagnosis.
I would be able to offer "minor surgeries" such as debridement of abscesses, suturing of small wounds and removal of small masses that do not require a full operating theatre.
For other, more specific analyses, I chose external partner laboratories to which to send samples for cytology, histology and more specific blood tests (PCR, serologies, certain endocrinological analyses).
I have taken several behavior training courses through the Educhateur organization for feline behavior and Conduite Accompagnée du Chien for canine behavior.
In 2025, I'm going to train in nutrition so that I can offer my patients tailor-made, balanced rations via the Arginine training organization run by Dr Charlotte Devaux, a recognized veterinary nutritionist (Nutriphysio and Nutripatho).
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